Friday 13 November 2009

Teaching and learning with video and Skype

Videos are a good way to teach and learn. As a video is a recording of both visual and audible components, learners have all got different ways of understanding. Having to look and listen to something makes it a lot more vivid in your mind if you was to remember it. For teachers, videos are a good was of teaching because they have a mixed audience, where people/students learn in all sorts of ways. For example, some students are auditory learners, so even if they don’t really like to watch, they can still hear what is being said and take notes. For students who are visual learners, something that will be said can trigger something that they have seen.
Linking this to Skype, Skype is more of a communication network where you actually have a video conversation. In a lecture, not everyone will understand what has been said, so if something like that happens, when you are at home, you could just have a video conversation with a friend/lecturer on Skype, to get a more in depth discussion on what you did not understand. Another advantage of having Skype is, if you miss a lecture, you could actually get the information first hand, provided you have the lecturer’s Skype ID.
Skype linking with videos, you might have found a video about the lecture and want to criticize it, you and the other user could discuss it and even get the lecture involved in the conversation to justify etc. You could also get other opinions from students in other countries.
Overall, videos are a good way to learn/study, but having a live session of the video in a classroom, brings life to the subject.

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